Click here to view Brad's entire gear list >>
Over the past few years, Brad has maticulously eliminated EACH AND EVERY OUNCE from his gear. He learned from the legendary Ray Jardine many important light-weight backpacking skills required to hike long distances. He even attended a RayWay sewing class in Phoenix, AZ to make some of his own gear.
The photos below show most of his gear, of which he only carries a small portion during his hike. His pack weight is below 19 lbs total, including food, water and supplies.

- Back row next to back of couch, left to right
- Backpack Quilt in stow sack in large gray bag
- Clothing in stow sack in green bag on top of quilt
- Tarp in green stow sack on top of clothing bag
- Hard glasses case on top of tarp
- Platypus 4 liter bag with shower attachment
- 3/8" Foam sleeping pad (blue)
- Umbrella
- Middle row, left to right
- Cook Pot, stove and accessories in green stow bag
- 2 ea. 1 liter Platypus bottles
- Camera in stow bag
- 3-mil polyethylene ground sheet (clear)
- Large food bag (orange)
- Small daily food bag (blue)
- Front row, left to right
- Medical / Hygiene ditty bag
- Misc. ditty bag

Brad's Drop Boxes
- Brad's son, Glen, mails each drop box to a pre-scheduled location approximately 2 weeks before Brad's arrival time.

3 Days Food
- This is a typical display of 3 days of food for Brad. Looks delicious!