Friday, June 29, 2007
Home Again
Location For The Night: At home in Paducah, KY
Miles Walked Today: 0.00
Day Number:
At 2:30am last night I remembered something. I had mailed my cigarette lighter, toenail scissors and pocket knife home from the hospital, but my tent stakes were still in my backpack and I planned to carry it with me on the plane. I arose, grabbed the stakes and went to the front desk. Christopher, the assistant manager, went beyond the call of duty and agreed to have a pack and ship center send them to me via UPS. Thanks Christopher.
I awoke feeling fine today. The flight from Allentown, PA, to Nashville was uneventful and on schedule. Son Gil and four grandchildren joyfully greeted me and we were home just after noon.
I rested in the afternoon and we had a family dinner at Glen's home later in the evening. My friends, Gary and Ro Morse were there too. It sure is good to be home with family and friends.
I plan to rest as ordered and be back on the trail July 9th to finish up. There will be no journal postings during the time I am at home. They will resume when I start walking again. Thanks to all of you that have read my scribblings, emailed, prayed, and called. As we say on the AT, "See you down the trail." God bless every last one of you.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Still at Home
Location For The Night: Home in Paducah, KY
Miles Walked Today: 0.00
Day Number:
In my last posting I told you that I planned to get back on the trail today. That plan has changed because I have not yet recovered from Lyme Disease. Two days after returning home to Paducah I developed Bell's Palsy on the left side of my face. This partial paralysis is a known symptom of Lyme Disease. It is quite aggravating. I cannot close my left eye and it is difficult to eat and drink. I have a dull headache and my strength is not what it should be. I am still on the antibiotic that was prescribed in Pennsylvania and I have seen my doctor here in Paducah. My desire is to get well enough to finish the trail this season. But God is in control. He knows the future. His Word says, "Your eyes have seen my unformed substance. And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them." (Psalm 139:16) It also says, "We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) What wonderful assurance from a faithful God who loves me with an everlasting love. I will wait on Him.
Thanks to all of you that have called and emailed. Your concern, encouragement and prayer mean a lot to me. God bless you all.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Location For The Night: Home - Paducah, KY
Miles Walked Today: 0.00
Day Number:
I have made a remarkable recovery from Lyme Disease and its associated Bell's Palsy. But some symptoms still linger and I have decided not to return to the trail this year.
I want to thank to all of you that followed my journey and especially thank the folks that called, emailed and prayed. God bless you all.